First you need to grab the Flag Icons from the famfamfam site and package them into a jar file and add it to your classpath. The JTextField flag decoration is done via the BuddySupport in the xswingx project.
Then we need to set up a mapping of country names to famfamfam icon names like this:
private final String[] countries = { "AFGHANISTAN", "AF", "Ă…LAND ISLANDS",...}
Map<String, String> countryMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (int i = 0; i < countries.length;) {
countryMap.put(countries[i], countries[i + 1]);
i += 2;
countryFlagDecorator = new CountryFlagDecorator(countryMap);
// lazy do CountryFlagDecorator.getInstance() and skip the above mapping setup
Now we can decorate e.g., a JCombobox like this:
JComboBox flagCombo = new JComboBox(new String[] { "DENMARK", "SWEDEN",
"NORWAY" });
A JTable cell like this:
JTable jt = new JTable(data, fields);
TableColumn col = jt.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
col.setCellRenderer(new CountryFlagTableCellRendere(
col.setCellEditor(new CountryFlagCellEditor(countryFlagDecorator,
new String[] { "DENMARK", "SWEDEN", "NORWAY" }));
A Jlist (with a small twist)
JList flagList = new JList(new String[] { "DK", "SE", "NO", "US" });
flagList.setCellRenderer(new CountryFlagListCellRendere(
countryFlagDecorator, new CountryNameConverter() {
public String convertCountryName(String countryName) {
if ("DK".equals(countryName)) {
return "DENMARK";
} else if ("SE".equals(countryName)) {
return "SWEDEN";
} else if ("NO".equals(countryName)) {
return "NORWAY";
} else if ("US".equals(countryName)) {
return null;
And a JTextField like this:
JTextField flagField = new JTextField("");
PromptSupport.setPrompt("Write name of a country, e.g., DENMARK", flagField);
countryFlagDecorator.addCountryFlag(flagField, null);
Download the source
Please FIX your JNLP link. On Firefox/Linux, this won't start and on my system a simple jnlp link work.
works for me with ubuntu 9.04 / firefox 3.0.
Great work, thanks....
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